Haunted Witch House

Gameplay Programming
Interactive Puzzles
Interactive Main Menu

Music Box Puzzle

Functional Process

Player Chamber Index

The player changes the selected index using A and D. Any index outside of the range would loop to the other side. Upon index change, the last chamber would become unhighlighted and the new chamber become highlighted.

Selection Index

Selecting a chamber would save its index and disable its visibility. 

A system chamber would then take on its appearance and material and mimic the action of pulling the chamber out and moving it. 

Selection Index

Selecting a chamber would save its index and disable its visibility. 

A system chamber would then take on its appearance and material and mimic the action of pulling the chamber out and moving it. 

Challenges Overcome

Efficient Material Memory Usage

Loading in the textures of each chamber upon selection required a get and set call with each chamber swap. This created a lot of overhead in changing chambers rapidly and affected performance.

To overcome this, the references to each chambers material were saved as a value for each on start, reducing all run-time material acquisition to zero. This improved performance and reduced stuttering on initial material rendering. 

Interactive Main Menu

The main menu included a rudimentary application of an interactive main menu using the scene to create an immersive menu experience.